Wednesday night routes:
(Subject to change, check BB facebook page for updates or if you subscribe to the weekly Wednesday dinner ride email.)
Start of Out and Backs:
April 2025
Tentative Wednesday night ride schedule for May and June
Rides start from Bickels Cycling & Fitness and ride the bus back.

Lomax | Pink Tavern
West Point | Brad’s Pad or Aggies
27 miles | 37 miles
Wever | Green Bay Bar and Grill
Fort Madison |
Wapello | Restaurant
Yarmouth | Filling Station Bar and Grill

How Dinner Rides Work:
Most riders start at Bickels Cycling and Fitness. (305 E Agency Rd, West Burlington). Out and back rides will start at the restaurant.
Sign your name on the sign-up sheet located in the vestibule of the store prior to the ride. (This is important- We take roll call on the bus to ensure no one is left behind.)
Leave in time to get to the destination before dark – generally, that means leaving as early as 5 pm or 5:30 pm at the latest. If you are running late, contact Bickel's Cycling to connect with other riders.
We eat dinner together. (Some destinations have more than one restaurant to choose from.)
Bikes and cyclists are transported back via the Bike Burlington bus & trailer.
Please start loading at 8:30 pm. The bus leaves at 9:00 pm. These times will change when we have less sunlight available. People taking the bus are asked to make a $3 donation for the ride. Newcomers are welcome to join us for a couple of rides. If you love it – as we're sure you will – we ask that you become a member of the club, so that you can receive the full benefits of membership.
All destinations are subject to wind, rain, and bird migration patterns. As the number of riders dwindle, we sometimes change the destination due to weather or whim. Generally, we ride regardless of weather conditions, but it doesn't hurt to call Bickel's (319 754 4410) Or Nick's (319-752-8480) before setting out. It is best to call at approx 3:00 pm or later. Generally, we watch the weather and that is when route decisions are made. We can almost always use drivers, so if you would like to get a CDL endorsement license to drive the bus or know someone who would be willing contact, Steve Young.
The schedule is subject to change. At least until May, the Wed dinner rides will be tailwind rides. We try to follow this schedule unless the wind or weather changes our plans. The decision to modify the route – or cancel if necessary – will be made by Tuesday morning (the day before). Notification of the alternate destination will be sent in an email blast to everyone who has provided an email address to Gary Szymula. Please email Gary Szymula, if you want to be included on this list.